Corporate Governance

The Board of Directors and senior management are committed to high standard of corporate governance practices which is believed to be pivotal in enhancing sustainable shareholder value and meeting the Company's accountability and responsibility towards the shareholders and other stakeholders.


Mr. Cheng Yonghong currently serves as the executive director and the Chairman of the Company.

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Board of Directors

Leadership plays a crucial role in the growth of any organisation. At Jinchuan International, a visionary team of directors combined with a dynamic management team have been guiding the direction of the company, formulating strategy and overseeing its operations.

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Board Committees

Our Board has established four Board Committees, namely, Audit Committee, Remuneration and Nomination Committee, Risk Management Committee and Strategy & Investment Committee. Each Committee oversees certain particular aspects of the Group's affairs in accordance with clearly defined written terms of reference.

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Senior Management

Our Senior Management is responsible for day-to-day management of the Group's business by implementing the policies and strategies set by the Board. Each of them has wide experience and expertise in his/her respective field.

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Sustainable development is fundamental to the success of the Group's strategy and we continually contribute to the socio-economic growth of the areas where we operate and the communities in which we work.

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