Board Committees

Our Board has established four Board Committees, namely, Audit Committee, Remuneration and Nomination Committee, Risk Management Committee and Strategy & Investment Committee. Each Committee oversees certain particular aspects of the Group’s affairs in accordance with clearly defined written terms of reference.
Audit Committee
The Company had established an Audit Committee with specific terms of reference which set out its role and authorities delegated by the Board. The Audit Committee comprises one executive director and three independent non-executive Directors, who together have the relevant accounting and financial management expertise and legal and business experience to discharge their duties, namely:
Mr. Cheng Yonghong
Mr. Poon Chiu Kwok (Committee Chairman)
Mr. Yen Yuen Ho, Tony
Mr. Yu Chi Kit
Remuneration and Nomination Committee
The Company had established a Remuneration and Nomination Committee with specific terms of reference which set out its role and authorities delegated by the Board. The Remuneration Committee comprises three independent non-executive Directors, one executive Director and one non-executive Director, namely:
Mr. Cheng Yonghong
Mr. Liu Jian
Mr. Yen Yuen Ho, Tony (Committee Chairman)
Mr. Poon Chiu Kwok
Mr. Yu Chi Kit
Risk Management Committee
The Company had established a Risk Management Committee with specific terms of reference which set out its role and authorities delegated by the Board. The Risk Management Committee comprises two executive Directors and three independent non-executive Directors, namely:
Mr. Cheng Yonghong
Mr. Gao Tianpeng
Mr. Yen Yuen Ho, Tony (Committee Chairman)
Mr. Poon Chiu Kwok
Mr. Yu Chi Kit
Strategy & Investment Committee
The Company had established a Strategy & Investment Committee with specific terms of reference which set out its role and authorities delegated by the Board. The Strategy & Investment Committee comprises two Executive Directors and one non-executive Director, namely:
Mr. Cheng Yonghong(Committee Chairman)
Mr. Gao Tianpeng
Mr. Liu Jian